Technofutures: The Top Innovation Trends That Will Shape The 21st Century
The global innovation economy is the central driver of business change in this century. This keynote is a sweeping overview of the top innovations and technologies that will transform the future—many that are emerging now. Based on his CNN special and book, Dr. Canton identifies the top innovations–from the Internet 3.0 to next generation genomics, virtual reality media, anywhere wireless, longevity medicine, quantum computing and nanotech to robotics that will drive future change in business and society. This keynote is an entertaining overview about the future of innovation what is coming fast—and how you can prepare for the extreme change.
Cars that talk. Robots that walk. Computers that think. Hackers that hack. From the mapping of the Human Genome to the adoption of the Internet, the future is coming fast and furious. There have been more changes attributed to technology in the past thirty years then in the previous 10,000 years. What’s next? Welcome to the extreme future.
Fast moving radical technologies are reshaping the marketplace and society. This presentation provides a strategic overview of the leading-edge technologies, strategies, and trends that will transform business, economics and society in the 21st century. Find out what the future holds for the Internet, quantum computers, intelligent agents, wireless, broadband, digital cash, robotics, digital TV, cybercrime, virtual reality, biotech, nanotechnology, and artificial intelligence. What new business models, social issues, customer trends might be mission-essential to your success? Learn about the power tools and building blocks of the next economy.
This Big Picture presentation will demystify technology trends providing a practical explanation of how and what new technologies may impact your industry or market. Learn how you can prepare today to meet the challenges of the global digital future Find out how to better understand and predict the evolution of technology and its impact on your world.
Up to date research on leading-edge technologies, from the Institute for Global Futures, a leading think tank, will provide an entertaining and informative multi-media presentation. Ride Dr. Canton’s time machine into the future to discover what’s next in technology and how you can benefit from this future forecast.
Dr. James Canton
Institute for Global Futures